Page Selections

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Water treatment system

This week's challenge involves taming the local water. It presents many trials. Our iron content is astronomical. I think they measure it at 12 parts per mil which is extremely high. It causes many problems orange laundry, brown toilets and tubs, and hair that stand out like Bozo after being washed in this water. The cuticles on our hands remain brown, and boiled water turns peculiar colors due to the iron.  There is so much iron in the water that when you take a glass of water from the faucet, and you place it on the counter, it will be orange by the time you come back to it after walking to the refrigerator and returning to the glass. Other troublesome minerals are in the water too, like magnesium and sulfur.  It smells awful, much like metal, other times a whiff of rotten eggs will pass your nostrils.  A water softener did virtually nothing.

We have been suffering through the burden of this horrid water for several years due to our lack of funds to take on the challenge. The day to do battle has dawned, and Mr bravely advanced on the problem. It seems he has had much success, though the jury is still out.  The new system involves a black filter tank as tall as me, and two other cyclindrical tanks about three feet tall each. Mr has doggedly worked out all of the kinks, and there were many kinks. Many expletives floated through the air here over the last two days but success seems to have come.  Brown water spewed out of many sources: the windows into the yard, into the toilet via long clear tubes and down the drain in the kitchen. At the end of the day it seems to have transformed our water. The second half of the day was spent starting to clean all the damage from the untreated water. Don't know if it will all come off the porcelains, linens and clothing, but we are going to try!

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